Learning Centers
Each classroom is divided into learning centers that each focus on different developmental domains. Learn about each center and what they offer below!
Creative Art

In the creative art center, children get to explore self expression, small muscle coordination, and creativity! There are lots of supplies like paints, markers, crayons, paper, collage materials and more.
Dramatic Play

Dramatic play is where kids can explore the world around them! With play food and props, they can develop their imagination and role play. This center encourages social skills like working together and problem solving.
Cars and Blocks

In cars and blocks, children will develop fine motor skills and explore math and science skills like balance and gravity. From building super tall towers to creating entire block cities, the opportunities are endless!
Math and Manipulatives

Math and manipulatives is a great place to practice counting, sorting, and identifying things! Children can also explore small ways math is included in the world around us, like measuring ingredients when baking and sorting toys by color.
Science and Sensory

Science and sensory is a place for children to learn about nature and the environment. There will be opportunities to observe and discover new materials and space for experiments!

In Library, we work on proper book handling, and learn that print carries meaning! Children will also learn that stories can tell pictures and use their imagination to retell stories.
Cozy Corner

Cozy corner gives children a calm space to work through their emotions, with sensory bottles and fidget toys to help them regulate. There are also pictures and books that help with identifying emotions and self-regulation.
Writing Center

Writing centers in our preschool and pre-k classes give kids a place to practice fine motor skills! There are pencils and paper, and dry erase boards to practice holding writing utensils and tracing letters.